Monday, September 26, 2011

Night of Hope

I can't sleep tonight. Once again thoughts of him ache my head,bound by a desire to be with him, I tried to close my eyes but I am unable to think of anything else. It's like I'm being possessed by him. He truly captivated me and I am drawn to this deep mysterious well. No hope but possibility.

Like Dirty Vegas famously sang "days go by and still I think of you", that is exactly how I feel. There hasn't been a day where I have stopped thinking about him.

There is no hope. No nothing. But lingering memories that won't seem to fade away. With each passing day, the pain slowly goes away but the fact remains he is slowly letting me go as I am slowly letting him go. It hurts. I miss him, like everyday.

I usually love days off but these days I hate it as I have to find something to occupy my mind so that I don't have to think about him. A month has past by now, I'm sure I can get through it, eventually. I just need to have a positive attitude so that I can have a positive vibe to send out to the universe. No guy wants a mellow girl. I need the old ME back!

Tomorrow night will be the same thing, I won't be able to sleep as I will spend my thoughts on him and how I never wanted to lose him but whatever we do, we were never going to be able to make it together because he never fought for me. He never thought I was good enough to be with him. He was never sure of me and my love for him. His doubt became my doubt and I was already gone before I left.

His presence won't leave me alone or perhaps I choose to dwell on it. I don't know. All I know is I deserve better. I deserve someone who has faith in me and will be proud of having me. I can't wait for that day to happen. I will make the one I love a very happy man.

Baby, these streets are dark tonight but I've got your hand to hold onto
It amuses you how I can't see at night but tonight I've gotta say it's bright
You led the way, step by step, with each footstep you take I follow your lead
Baby, we have come a long way, I've got a feeling tonight will be magical

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