Thursday, January 07, 2010

I space out

I have a tendency to space out when I'm driving, yes, it is very bad as obviously, you are meant to be focused when you are on the road, but heck, I can't help it, this tendency pops outta nowhere.

2 days ago, as I was driving home from work, I had this vision of a guy offering me his kidney which he conveniently placed on his left hand for me to grab, and in that moment I suddenly started drawing an image of a kidney with my right hand (yes, my hands were meant to be on the steering wheel) . I really didn't know why I did that, anyways, the vision disappeared and my right hand returned to the steering wheel. It was a red light. I stopped. I had words in my head I needed to spill.

I was hungry for substance, you offered me your kidney
I wanted a way out, you volunteered to draw some blood
Little drops of faith leaked, you passed me a handkerchief
I climbed up to find God, you reached out to catch me

I guess the point of the writing above is that in that moment I spaced out, I lost grip of the steering wheel and sadly, lost my faith in life. For a split second, I pictured a man willing to give his kidney away to restore another person's life (in this case, MY LIFE).
My instant reaction was "Why???" "Why would you do such a thing? this life teaches people to be a bastard, people are unworthy of such help! Let them have kidney failures!"

But then, fast forward another split second, and my hands were back on the wheel and my faith in life has been restored for reasons unknown. Maybe I needed that kidney.

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